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The Winner for Life program is a multidisciplinary program involving researchers from a variety of fields.

Lead researcher

Christiane Trottier, Ph.D.

Ms. Trottier is a full professor in the Department of Kinesiology, Faculty of Medicine, Université Laval and a researcher at the Centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur la formation et la profession enseignante (Centre for interuniversity research on professional teacher training: CRIFPE). Her research interests include the development and transfer of life skills and innovative training programs for sport stakeholders who promote positive development in athletes. Ms. Trottier has an extensive background as a specialist in mental performance. She has delivered numerous workshops and conferences to sport federations, national teams, and schools. She has also tailored many individual programs to meet the needs of amateur and professional athletes. She is active in several organizations, including INS Québec, Excellence Sportive Québec-Lévis (Québec-Lévis sporting excellence: ESQL), the Canadian Sport Psychology Association, and the Clinique du PEPS (Clinic of the physical education and sports pavilion). Ms. Trottier has many years of experience in the field of mental performance and has been privileged to work with a range of coaches and hundreds of athletes.


François Billaut, Ph.D.

Mr. Billaut is a full professor in the Department of Kinesiology, Faculty of Medicine, Université Laval. He is an expert in exercise physiology and training and recovery methods. Researcher at the Centre de recherche de l’Institut universitaire de cardiologie et de pneumologie de Québec (Research centre, University institute of cardiology and pneumology of Québec: IUCPQ), and a research consultant in Exercise Physiology for INS Québec, he conducts research on the links between training load, fitness, and fatigue as well as the assessment of physical and physiological capacity in athletes. He works regularly with Canadian national sport teams.

Vicky Drapeau, Ph.D., Dt.P.

Ms. Drapeau is a full professor in the Department of Kinesiology, Faculty of Medicine, Université Laval and a researcher at the Centre de recherche Nutrition, santé et société (Research centre for nutrition, health and society: NUTRISS), IUCPQ, and CRIFPE. Having expertise in implementing and assessing intervention programs at schools and in designing tools for coaches, she coordinates activities at the Équilibre-Santé (Healthy balance) clinic, where she works as a nutritionist. She was an instructor in the Diplôme d’études avancées des entraîneurs (Diploma in advanced coaching studies) program at INS Québec and she is a nutrition specialist at ESQL.

Éric Frenette, Ph.D.

Mr. Frenette is a full professor in Measurement and Evaluation at the Department of Foundations and Practices in Education, Faculty of Education, Université Laval. He is particularly interested in different types of learning evaluations, comparative studies in education, and various measurement and statistical analysis models. His research focuses on the diverse dimensions of measurement and evaluation and their application to different fields.

Claude Goulet, Ph.D.

Mr. Goulet is a full professor and Vice Dean for Research, Higher and International Studies, Faculty of Education, Université Laval. He is an expert in injury prevention and doping in sport. He has extensive expertise in designing, implementing, and assessing safety policies and programs for sport practice and doping prevention. He is a researcher at the Sport Injury Prevention Research Centre at the University of Calgary and CRIFPE. Mr. Goulet acts as a scientific consultant for various organizations, including the ministère de l’Éducation (Québec’s education department) and the Institut national de santé publique du Québec (Québec’s National public health institute: INSPQ).

Stéphane Pelet, M.D., Ph.D.

Mr. Pelet is a full professor and Director of Research for the Orthopaedics Program, Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Université Laval, and associated at the Centre hospitalier affilié universitaire de Québec (Hospital centre affiliated with Université du Québec: CHU). He conducts studies on injuries at school in football players and on prevention methods.

Pierre Trudel, Ph.D.

Mr. Trudel is a professor emeritus at the University of Ottawa and an associate professor at Université Laval. He has published over 125 articles and book chapters based on his work on training for coaches. His most recent papers address, notably, the development of coaches in Québec’s education system and training for physical education teachers and coaches in universities in Québec, Brazil, and China.