In the positive development approach, youth are “regarded not as problems to be managed but, instead, as resources to be developed” (Lerner et al., 2017). The emphasis is on their strengths and “using these strengths to promote positive youth development” (Lerner et al., 2017).
Life skills
Life skills are “internal personal assets, characteristics, and skills, such as goal setting, emotional control, self-esteem, and hard work ethic that can be facilitated or developed in sport and are transferred for use in non-sport settings” (Gould & Carson, 2008, p. 60).
Mental skills
Mental skills are personal qualities that empower student-athletes to reach and recreate an ideal mental state that promotes well-being and performance.
The Winner For Life program focuses on four mental skills: goal setting, emotional regulation, self-confidence, and concentration.
Eating behaviors
Eating behaviors include healthy dietary choices as well as positive attitudes and behaviors that act to improve and maintain health, and that are adapted to the needs of athletes in sport, school, and family settings.
The Winner For Life program focuses on the following eating behaviors themes: healthy food choices, effective nutritional strategies for school sport settings, listening to hunger and satiety signals, and positive body image.
Safety Behaviors
Safety behavior is defined as behaviors that reduce the risks of physical, psychological, and material harm for student-athletes in sport, school, and family settings.
The Winner For Life program focuses on the following themes: the prevention of injuries and concussions and the promotion of psychological safety aspects such as prosocial attitude and sportsmanship.
Physical and mental recovery
Physical and mental recovery is a process that operates over time to restore athletic performance. It is influenced by both individual and situational factors. Physical recovery acts to restore the body to its full energy level and mental recovery acts to rest the mind by reducing the level of cognitive activity.
The Winner For Life program focuses on the following themes: sleep, yoga, time management, and relaxation techniques for psychological recovery.